top easy ways to lose weight

top easy ways to lose weight

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Defeat Diabetes?

How to  Defeat Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease that has a large spread throughout the population, and many people tend to develop the disease at a certain age. This is why it is better to make the population aware about the risks.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a metabolic disease and the persons who develop it have high blood sugar. This happens because the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, or because the cells won't respond to the insulin produced by the pancreas. Usually the glucose comes from the food that you eat, so a careful attention to the alimentation is required. Diabetes is a dangerous disease, and it may even lead to heart problems. This is why it is essential to be treated accordingly.
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
The main symptoms of this diseases are the frequent urination, the increased thirst, and the increased hunger. If you have diabetes, you may find out with a simple blood test. If you have the disease, you may be able to control it with regular exercises, a healthy alimentation, and weight control.
What are the types of diabetes?
There are three main types of diabetes, which are as follows:
Type 1 DM. This type is produced when the body fails to produce insulin, and the person in cause will have to inject insulin doses or to wear an insulin pump. Approximately 10% of the population suffers from Type 1 DM. These patients will need to get insulin injections for the rest of their lives. Besides a special diet, they also need to make regular blood test, in order to keep the disease under control.
Type 2 DM. This type is produced when the body becomes insulin resistant, and thus the cells aren't able to use insulin properly. This is the most common type of diabetes, and almost 90% from the population who has diabetes develops Type 2 DM. This is a progressive disease, which means that it will gradually get worse. Overweight and obese people have a higher chance in developing this type of diabetes. It has been proven that visceral belly fat has a great influence in the development of this diseases. Another risk factor seems to be the age, since older people tend to get more often the disease. People who have relatives with diabetes tend to develop the disease.
Gestational diabetes. This type is produced when pregnant women with no diabetes history develop high blood sugar. Sometimes it may precede Type 2 DM. Those who develop this type may be able to control it with a healthy diet and exercise.
What are the main causes of diabetes?
The main causes are the genetic inheritance, the unhealthy alimentation and the lack of physical activity. Stress may represent another cause, so you should avoid stressful situations. See the main types in order to learn more about the causes.
How to prevent diabetes?
Even if the genes have an important role in developing Type 2 DM, a healthy lifestyle can prevent the apparition of the disease. It has been proven that people who are genetically at risk develop the disease only when they lead a sedentary lifestyle based on a wrong type of alimentation. The food has an essential role, and this is why it is recommended a healthy diet with low quantities of fats and sugar. Another important factor is the health. The studies show that the majority of overweight people develop the disease. This is why it is promoted an active lifestyle where inactivity is overcame with regular exercises. If you don't want to make many exercises, jogging should be enough. Drink more water and less sugary drinks, which can harm your organism in many way. It is recommended a daily use of at least 2 L of water. Fats are good for the organism, as long as you opt for good fats that can be found in nuts and avocado. Another risk factor is represented by the processed meat, and there is a whole campaign that is trying to raise awareness. It seems that even red meat can increase the risks of developing the disease. In order to prevent the apparition of the disease, eat more fish and less red meat (pork, beef, lamb).
What are the treatments of diabetes?
The treatment of diabetes is the insulin, which may be administered through injections. This insulin replaces the one that can't be produced by the human body. However, this is only a periodic treatment.
How to cure diabetes?
There isn't a cure for diabetes, but the researchers are trying to find a cure. It has been speculated that in 25 years they will be able to develop a cure. Until then, one cannot do anything else except preventing or controlling the disease.


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