top easy ways to lose weight

top easy ways to lose weight

Sunday, March 23, 2014

How Can Older Women Lose Weight Fast?

How Can Older Women Lose Weight Fast?

Losing weight is difficult, but it is more difficult for a woman beyond the age of 40. Menopause is the main culprit. To add, metabolic activity begins to slow down as the body ages. This is one of the reasons you will see many middle-aged women gaining weight, particularly around the midsection.
If you've crossed 40, it's time to buckle up and work to burn the fat and flab. For, if you wait a few years longer, it might be impossible to lose it naturally, without the use of supplements and cosmetic corrective surgeries.
Food Plan
Food is at the centre of most weight loss programs. Hence, the first thing you need to do is watch what you eat and how much you eat. Here's how you can get better control over your eating habits.
  • It's about moderation - A weight loss diet is about moderation and not elimination. Fats, sugar and sodium are foods you should avoid if you want to shed pounds. But when we say avoid, we mean limit your intake and not eliminate completely. You can eat less of these foods or eat them occasionally.
  • Eat qualitatively and not quantitatively - Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to losing weight for older women. You cannot diet randomly because as your body ages it needs an additional dose of nutrition to fighting illnesses overcome fatigue and maintain general health. Hence, eat a healthy and balanced meal. If you feel hungry in between meals, you can eat healthy snacks such as carrot sticks, cucumber slices and fresh fruit.
  • Learn to judge portion sizes - Portion sizes also matter when you're looking at dropping a few pounds. Restaurant meals are not recommended because of their fairly large portion sizes. When you sit down to eat, you should measure your food - solids and fluids both. Gradually, you will be able to tell the size of a portion without using a measuring cup. This is one way to keep a tab on your calorie intake.
  • Stay away from the scale - You might be surprised at this suggestion, but it is one way to keep your motivation from dipping. There otherwise to determine if you've dropped a few pounds on not such as how your clothes fit, how you feel and compliments you receive from others. You can weigh yourself once a week or once every two weeks.
Exercise Plan
If you are determined to lose weight, fast and easy, you should get more physical activity in addition to altering your diet. Getting active does not mean lifting heavy weights at the gym or performing high impact aerobic exercises. Your workout can include low impact exercises that are just enough to boost your metabolic rate, build muscle and burn calories. Other ways to ditch a sedentary lifestyle include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or cycling to the grocery store etc.
Keep your Hormones in Check
As mentioned earlier hormones are a primary cause for weight gain after 35. A healthy and balanced diet coupled with regular exercise will keep hormones in check. However, along with this, you should also sleep well getting minimum 8 hours of sleep daily. Stress also disturbs hormonal balance. Hence, if you want to drop pounds like many of the weight loss stories on the web, you should devise methods to relieve stress.
How would your life be if you could lose all the extra fat from your body? If you take action now, in 2 months you'll be incredibly sexy!


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