top easy ways to lose weight

top easy ways to lose weight

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Moving Forward - 3 Simple Steps

Moving Forward - 3 Simple Steps

Moving forward. What does this mean?
Well, it means different things to different people. Some of us know exactly what we want to move forward with and others haven't discovered it yet. Maybe it is that soul searching quiet time that is needed to discover what it is for you. Maybe it is a major change that needs to happen before you see.
What is your passion? What inspires you? What is your dream? What makes you happy?
I will explain how I discovered what I truly wanted in my life and how I moved forward.
3 Simple Steps
1 - Find what it is that inspires you.
Many of us spend a lifetime not really knowing who we are and what inspires us. To find our inspiration we need to write down the things we do that truly make us happy. Sometimes guidance from others will help. Others see you light up, when you take part in the activity that you enjoy. Coaches can ask you the correct questions to help you discover yourself. You might not see it right away. Look for signs and explore different things, to help you discover that ahhha moment for you.
For me, I have always wanted to have my own business. Fear and self-doubt are what held me back. I have had positions that had a steady income but I was never fulfilled. Years ago, I also had a Caliper test done at a company I worked for. It told me great things but the one message I didn't really process and realize was that I was an entrepreneur at heart. As I was working my way up the corporate ladder, I didn't see this. Now I know what inspires me; to be an entrepreneur that helps people and delivers travel. I love being with my children, family and friends. I know what makes me happy and work on steering myself in that direction.
Now my motto is "Instill an internal legacy to live life fully and to your true potential; to learn, experience and love." So now, ask yourself, what inspires you? It could be as simple as taking up art or a musical instrument. Maybe tackle your travel bucket list. Whatever that is, you take that quiet time to find it. You will be so glad you did. Put your time an effort towards what makes you happy.
2 - Find what is holding you back.
Again, for everyone that could be different. Mind you, the base or foundation is still the same for everyone: fear. Fear of not making enough money. Fear of looking dumb. Fear of change. The list goes on. Whatever is holding you back stems from fear. For me, it was fear of not earning a living. I am a single mother of two teenagers and starting my own business was a big leap. My other fear included not succeeding, people laughing at me, not being able to keep up and the fear of success. Isn't that a strange one. Fear of success... It was with deep soul searching, coaching and an unfortunate illness that opened me up to face my fears and move forward. It's not easy. Trust me, I know and you can do it to. Don't let fear hold you back.
3 - Moving forward.
When I fell ill and worked with the hospital to get better, I didn't see it as a new beginning. Many of my friends that I would have seen as supportive, left my side. I didn't know how to get my life back. I started to get better after awhile and realized it wasn't healthy for me to get my life back. It was time for me to move forward and put the pieces of the puzzle together that would be better for my mind, body and spirit. Look ahead and not back. I have taken that leap and started my inspirational journey. I developed Your Inspirational Journey Co to help others move forward. I hope that you don't have something as terrible as an illness to come into you life to move you forward. I hope that you take everyday as a precious moment and take time to move forward with what inspires you. Set a plan that takes you there. It can be bite size steps that will lead you to that goal. Close your eye and envision what it is that inspires you daily. I was coaching someone earlier today and what she wanted was to sail the Caribbean. She has a plan now that will allow her to take those sailing lessons that will take her to her dream. Put that plan in place to move your dreams forward and inspire your world today


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