top easy ways to lose weight

top easy ways to lose weight

Sunday, November 2, 2014

10 Tips for Exercising in Your Office

Working in an office these days often involves a lot of sitting and staring, and when you're not doing that there's a high chance you'll be screen-watching on the bus or train, or sitting on your behind staring out at the road home in your car.
This is one of the increasing number of factors that can contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle without you realising, and not exercising due to inconvenience can be a tough habit to break out of.
However, there are plenty of ways you can keep yourself active while at the office, and although they can't replace the great exercise you can get after work (such as at a 24 hour gym) they are a great start to getting your body moving more.
  1. Try this while sitting at your desk: straighten your legs and cross one over the other. Raise them and press the top leg down and resist with the other. Then repeat with your legs crossed the other way.

  2. A crazy idea and maybe one that will lead to better office relationships, but how about standing up and going to visit a colleague at their desk instead of emailing them?

  3. Use an exercise ball instead of a chair, no matter how comfy you find your office throne! There are plenty of interesting exercises you can do on these things, but you might have to find out whether it fits with the office's furniture policy first!

  4. Have regular team meetings in which you have to stand? Don't just rock from side to side impatiently, perform subtle leg and ankle exercises! With a straight leg, lift a foot off the floor, and flex your ankle with the toes pointing up. Then point your toes down by extending your ankle. Do this ten times then switch to the other foot.

  5. Why waste time at the office photocopier seeing if the magnetic paperclip-holder still works? Lean onto the copier with your hands and stretch your legs, one at a time, up to meet your back. Do this ten times and before you know it you're a little more limber and your prints are ready!

  6. You should already have a water bottle from which you're drinking at least 1.6 litres (for women, 2 litres for men) of water a day. Take that good habit and make another out of it by using your filled water bottle as a handy dumbbell!

  7. See if you can get an adjustable stand-up desk at your work station. It's important to stand whenever at all possible, to prevent poor posture. You can end up burning as many as 50 more calories an hour by standing instead of sitting.

  8. Consider putting a mini-stepper beneath your desk for a sure-fire way to discreetly improve your posture and leg muscles. Not recommended for use with the aforementioned exercise ball, unless you have truly excellent balance.

  9. Get out at lunch time! What's that you say? It's cold? Even better! Studies show that you burn even more calories when cold, so head out for a brisk stroll when you can.

  10. Finally, know that the above isn't enough. Sure, these mini-exercises can help improve your posture and muscles throughout the day but they are no replacement for proper exercise that gets your heart beating and your muscles flexing. If you want to see true gains in your body and performance, get yourself down to a 24 hour gym after work and start putting the effort in. You'll be pleased with the results!


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