top easy ways to lose weight

top easy ways to lose weight

Monday, April 21, 2014

Top Tips for Dieting on a Budget

Top Tips for Dieting on a Budget

When you want to lose some weight in order to enjoy a healthier lifestyle it may seem too expensive. It is the bug-bear of many that processed food is cheaper than fresh fruit and vegetables and attending a weekly slimming or exercise class seems to cost the earth. If you are in this position then you'll be glad to know that you can lose weight on a budget.
1. Slimming Clubs
If you need the support and motivation that comes with being part of a recognised slimming group then you need to minimise the costs while enjoying the benefits. The majority of clubs offer a monthly or longer term "pass" or "subscription" where you pay for a bulk of classes at once and this entitles you to a discount on what you would have paid each week. If you can do this by joining up on pay day when you have more funds available then this may be the sensible choice.
For those who don't want to or simply can't afford to attend classes some slimming groups offer online membership which works out cheaper again.
2. Food
The bane of all slimmers is the cost of food. Ridiculously food seems to cost more when you are trying to lose weight than when you aren't so bothered. Fresh fruit, vegetables and meat are expensive however there are ways around this. Shopping around for cheaper food is the way forward. You may find that greengrocers, veg box deliveries and stores such as Lidl or Aldi are significantly cheaper than buying healthy foods in bulk from big name supermarkets. If you simply don't have time to shop around then do an online shop, compare prices as you go while making sure you aren't missing any healthy offers and use discount codes and deals where you can.
3. Exercise
When trying to lose weight your food intake and exercise routines go hand in hand. A gym subscription may be costly however if you are on certain benefits it may be worth looking to see whether you are entitled to a discount membership as the majority of swimming pools certainly offer these. Again, if time is an issue or if you simply just can't face the gym at the end of a long day then exercise from home. There are hundreds of exercise DVDs that you can may from eBay or the car boots sales or use your home console, such as a Wii or an Xbox with Kinect to help you lose weight and tone up on a budget.


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