top easy ways to lose weight

top easy ways to lose weight

Diets for Fast Weight Loss

Diets for Fast Weight Loss Dansinger recommends eating a diet that minimizes starches, added sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, he recommends focusing on fruits, veggies, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.

Why Losing Weight Is So Hard?

Cutting back on sugar is a common practice for people who are trying to lose weight. A high-sugar diet contributes to weight gain by adding calories without adding nutrition (often referred to as empty calories), by increasing appetite and desire for more sugar, and by elevating insulin levels (which promotes fat storage). Reducing your sugar intake doesn't automatically lead to easy weight loss for everyone. If it seems like the more fat you put on, the harder it is to lose, you're not imagining things! Losing weight is hard for several physiological reasons.

The Obesity Impact on Society

In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants I want to talk about life threatening side effects of obesity. Currently 72 million adults and 12 million youth in the US are obese and 144 million people in the states are obese or overweight. Being overweight and obese causes a wave of chronic diseases with long term serious health consequences.

What is the relationship between Insomnia Cause Weight Gain?

People who are overweight understand that there are many possible health issues that can result from carrying around those extra pounds. A link between insomnia and weight gain has long been suspected by the medical community. A 2009 study, conducted by UCLA researchers, confirmed that suspicion and pinpointed the reason for the link.

The Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes affects nearly 7 percent of people in the United States, and 90 to 95 percent of diabetics have type 2 diabetes. This form of the disease used to be called "adult-onset diabetes" since it generally appeared in older adults, 80 percent of whom were overweight. With the rates of childhood obesity on the rise, however, more and more children and adolescents are now receiving this diagnosis.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bodybuilding Is Not Just About Huge Body and Great Looks

Bodybuilding Is Not Just About Huge Body and Great Looks

Many young men decide to take up bodybuilding to increase their muscle mass, and to grow in size. In addition to achieving a great looking body, there are many other benefits of bodybuilding. In this post, we will touch upon a few points, where bodybuilding can help you in many other aspects of life.
Bodybuilding helps you relax:
While doing intense workouts, you tend to forget about the things that normally worry you, or make you feel stressful. After a good weight training session, you will feel a complete sense of contentment and relaxation of mind.
There is no better stress buster than a good session of total sweat-out. It helps them in handling the everyday stress that could be related to workplace, traffic, relationships, job security, finance, or family related issues.
Since they eliminate stress through intense workouts, they are able to maintain their calm and composure while handling other problems.
#Bodybuilders look at life with a different perspective:
When you see your muscles growing and taking shape, your self confidence will also grow. Bodybuilders understand the fact that success comes only as a result of continuous efforts and dedication. It requires a lot of self motivation, which will also help them in achieving many other things in life.
Improves goal setting and organizing skills:
Bodybuilding takes years of efforts, but you will need to follow the goals, and stick to your plan. When you are into bodybuilding, you will have to set short term goals, as well as long-term goals. You will need to be aware, and be mentally prepared to do the workouts that are charted out for you for the week.
You learn to set goals and work your way towards them. That kind of attitude will also help you in becoming more systematic and organized in your personal life as well. Gradually, you will see the environment around you change for better.
Gives you the inner strength to sustain the hardships:
Make no mistake here, as there is no easy way to build a muscular body. There will be pain and frustration at times. Only the people with grit and determination will be able to take such setbacks, pick themselves up again, and come back stronger than before.
Bodybuilders do not quit. They might be down at times, but are never out. They always keep coming back.
One of the main mistakes which many bodybuilders commit is that they do not take a break from weight training. Since bulking is all about breakage and repairs of muscle fibers, it is very important to take a break from weight training. It is recommended for them to take it least one week of break, once in every three months.
Follow a plan:
One of the best ways to take of bodybuilding seriously is by following some of the top #muscle #building programs like the MAXIMIZER.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Moving Forward - 3 Simple Steps

Moving Forward - 3 Simple Steps

Moving forward. What does this mean?
Well, it means different things to different people. Some of us know exactly what we want to move forward with and others haven't discovered it yet. Maybe it is that soul searching quiet time that is needed to discover what it is for you. Maybe it is a major change that needs to happen before you see.
What is your passion? What inspires you? What is your dream? What makes you happy?
I will explain how I discovered what I truly wanted in my life and how I moved forward.
3 Simple Steps
1 - Find what it is that inspires you.
Many of us spend a lifetime not really knowing who we are and what inspires us. To find our inspiration we need to write down the things we do that truly make us happy. Sometimes guidance from others will help. Others see you light up, when you take part in the activity that you enjoy. Coaches can ask you the correct questions to help you discover yourself. You might not see it right away. Look for signs and explore different things, to help you discover that ahhha moment for you.
For me, I have always wanted to have my own business. Fear and self-doubt are what held me back. I have had positions that had a steady income but I was never fulfilled. Years ago, I also had a Caliper test done at a company I worked for. It told me great things but the one message I didn't really process and realize was that I was an entrepreneur at heart. As I was working my way up the corporate ladder, I didn't see this. Now I know what inspires me; to be an entrepreneur that helps people and delivers travel. I love being with my children, family and friends. I know what makes me happy and work on steering myself in that direction.
Now my motto is "Instill an internal legacy to live life fully and to your true potential; to learn, experience and love." So now, ask yourself, what inspires you? It could be as simple as taking up art or a musical instrument. Maybe tackle your travel bucket list. Whatever that is, you take that quiet time to find it. You will be so glad you did. Put your time an effort towards what makes you happy.
2 - Find what is holding you back.
Again, for everyone that could be different. Mind you, the base or foundation is still the same for everyone: fear. Fear of not making enough money. Fear of looking dumb. Fear of change. The list goes on. Whatever is holding you back stems from fear. For me, it was fear of not earning a living. I am a single mother of two teenagers and starting my own business was a big leap. My other fear included not succeeding, people laughing at me, not being able to keep up and the fear of success. Isn't that a strange one. Fear of success... It was with deep soul searching, coaching and an unfortunate illness that opened me up to face my fears and move forward. It's not easy. Trust me, I know and you can do it to. Don't let fear hold you back.
3 - Moving forward.
When I fell ill and worked with the hospital to get better, I didn't see it as a new beginning. Many of my friends that I would have seen as supportive, left my side. I didn't know how to get my life back. I started to get better after awhile and realized it wasn't healthy for me to get my life back. It was time for me to move forward and put the pieces of the puzzle together that would be better for my mind, body and spirit. Look ahead and not back. I have taken that leap and started my inspirational journey. I developed Your Inspirational Journey Co to help others move forward. I hope that you don't have something as terrible as an illness to come into you life to move you forward. I hope that you take everyday as a precious moment and take time to move forward with what inspires you. Set a plan that takes you there. It can be bite size steps that will lead you to that goal. Close your eye and envision what it is that inspires you daily. I was coaching someone earlier today and what she wanted was to sail the Caribbean. She has a plan now that will allow her to take those sailing lessons that will take her to her dream. Put that plan in place to move your dreams forward and inspire your world today

Friday, November 21, 2014

Get The Muscles You Want With These Tips

Get The Muscles You Want With These Tips

As you get older, your muscle density begins to drop. Luckily, you can build and train your muscles so that you can maximize the muscles you still have. With just a little knowhow and some training, you can build some impressive muscles. Here are some muscle building tips to get you started.
It is important to eat foods and meals with carbohydrates after your workout and on your rest days. This will help you to rebuild and grow your muscles faster. The reason for this is that consuming carbohydrates causes the production of insulin in your body which in turn slows down the rate at which your body breaks down proteins. Even something as simple as a banana or a peanut butter sandwich will help.
At most, you need to complete between twenty-five and fifty reps for each body part, roughly two or three times a week to gain the most muscle mass. This is going to be very beneficial to serious lifters. If you strive to do more than this, you may be wasting your time because overdoing it can lessen the results that you see.
Crank up some music. Research has shown that listening to music you love while you are lifting can help you do more reps than not listening to any music at all or not listening to the music that you like. In addition, having headphones can help distract you from having a conversation with others that will defer your workout.
Even though you might believe lifting heavy weights is the best method of building muscle, this isn't always the case. Lifting light weight is also very important when it comes to building muscle. Lifting different amounts of weight work different muscle fibers, which can help you ensure that your muscle gain is of higher quality.
You should consider getting a personal trainer. A personal trainer is trained in what specific exercises will help you build muscle. Your personal trainer will also help you with a variety of tips including things like what you should be eating as well as supplement advice. In addition to this, your personal trainer will push you when you need to pushed to go that extra mile to help you build your muscles.
Many people who wish to build muscle use protein shakes and meal replacements. It is important to note however that there is a distinction between the two. It can be dangerous to your health to use protein shakes frequently as a meal replacement. A full meal contains many essential nutrients that are not included in protein shakes. In addition, living off protein shakes can leave your muscles soft which negates your muscle building efforts.
When working out to build your muscles, it is important to know what your limits are. If you are someone who is highly motivated, it is sometimes really easy to push yourself too far. Understand your body and know what it could take. Do not try to compete with someone else especially if they are training at a much higher intensity than you are. You do not want to injure your muscles in the process.
In order to build lean muscle you need to work out three to four times per week. You should do workouts that use all the muscles in your body, as this will help you to lose weight quickly and strengthen your muscles at the same time. Working out every day can cause your body to become injured and would be counterproductive.
The bench press, squat and deadlift are important exercises to focus on. Incorporating these three exercises to your routine are paramount to achieve a successful bodybuilding plan, and for many reasons. These exercises build strength, while increasing bulk and overall conditioning. No matter the kind of regimen you set up, keep these three exercises as the cornerstones.
Consider using caffeine on a limited basis as a benefit to bodybuilding. Metabolism can be increased by drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, and caffeine can increase overall calorie burn. The intensity of workout routines can be increased by the stimulant, and caffeine can provide energy after a hard workout.
Practicing poses can be an effective and important part of a muscle-building routine, even if you are not bodybuilding competitively. The value of posing in front of a mirror is in the self-education it provides. Posing will increase your awareness of individual muscle groups and give you a better idea of how they work together.
As you can now tell, building muscle can be simple to do with the right information and tips. Use the information given here and start building your muscles so that you can start to makeup for the loss of muscle density that age causes. Take it slowly, and you will soon see the results you seek.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

8 Ways to Keep Healthy Everyday

8 Ways to Keep Healthy Everyday

1. Drink milk.
Calcium gives your bones strength. However, if you're lactose-intolerant or just can't stand or abide the taste of cow's milk, go for soy milk. In Singapore, soy milk brands offer lots of variety. You can even alternate between soy and dairy milk so you get the best of both worlds.
2. Exercise regularly.
Running, jogging, playing sports-it doesn't matter what physical activity you choose. The clincher is to do whatever it is regularly. You have to give your body time to remember, to build muscle memory. Running once or twice every two months isn't going to cut it. Training your body to be healthy takes time. Make it a routine.
3. Have a healthy diet.
When you're young, you think you've got license to eat as much as you want of anything: burgers, steaks, ham, bacon and more. You're really not thinking about how many calories are being lodged into your arteries or worried about heart failure or diabetes or kidney failure. But you should be. Start eating healthy if you want to get more enjoyment-more energy, more time-out of your life.
4. Don't let stress get you down.
Stress is a normal part of your professional and personal life. The trick is not to let it control you. Find ways to alleviate the stress or cut down on it. If you think it's your work or someone causing you undue stress, then maybe it's time to find a new job or a new way of dealing with that person.
5. Think positive.
It's a cliché for a reason: it works. So make an effort to put yourself in a positive frame of mind every day. It might take a lot of effort and might not work every time but it's worth it. Positive thinking makes you feel better about a lot of things in the world and even helps you develop invaluable emotional resilience in life.
6. Go for regular check-ups.
Being healthy doesn't stop when you're feeling healthy. Get yourself into the hospital for annual checkups.
7. Sleep right.
Sleep gives you energy. And sleeping regular hours helps you stay healthy. So don't compromise on your sleep. If you have to, make sure you always make up those sleepless nights. After all, you concentrate more and have better attention at work when you've had a good night's sleep than if you haven't.
8. Laugh a lot.
Sometimes, all a tense situation needs is a laugh. Being able to laugh at yourself, your mistakes and at the simplest things in life, is a great ability. Not everyone can do it. And doing it helps a lot in keeping you sane and healthy in life-physically and emotionally.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Weight Loss As Simple As 1, 2, 3

Why is it so hard for most people to lose weight? Is it genetics or hormonal? Sometimes. Is it overeating? Could be. I believe it to be one thing, at least 85% of the time, and that is not knowing their Numbers. When I mean by number is their BMR number. Regardless how you like to think about weight loss, it still comes down to one simple principle. Keep your caloric intake lower than what you burn daily. So here are three steps to make weight loss as simple as 1, 2, 3.
1. Know your BMR. BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of calories your body burns just for you to be able to stay alive. So if you are burning an average of 2000 calories a day without exercise or any extracurricular activity, your body EXPECTS 2000 calories via food consumption so it can use those calories to keep you alive the next day. By decreasing your calories by 250-500 calories a day, forces your body to make up the difference in calorie consumption by using 250-500 calories of stored fat. This is called CALORIC DEFICIT. Keep this up every day and you can lose ½ pound to one pound without breaking a sweat. Use this formula:
• Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
• Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
After you calculate your BMR, subtract 250-500 from your BMR. REMEMBER, do not lower your calories below 1200 calories for women and 1500 for men
2. 80%/20% Rule: Eating totally healthy SUCKS! Let's be honest. So instead of trying to become the lean chicken King or the Salad Queen, try enjoying some of your favorite guilty pleasures as along as it is with your calorie range you just calculated. Understanding that 3500 calories equals one pound, as long as you stay within your numbers you will lose weight. YES!
3. If you want to lose more than ½ pound to one pound a week, EXERCISE but eat more: The downfall of many fitness enthusiast is they do a calorie restriction meal plan to lose weight, but also exercise leaving their net calorie intake below 1200 for women and 1500 for men. This is a recipe for disaster. You have to take in more calories so your body will not go into starvation mode AKA fat holding mode. So to know your numbers far as with exercise, use the Activity Factor with your BMR then subtract 500-1000 calories from your total number (BMR x AF). NOW You can allow your body to burn more calories for greater weight loss. The steps are to take your BMR (without subtracting the 250-500 calories) and multiply by your Activity Factor. Here is the formula: Your BMR X Activity Factor.
• Sedentary (little or no exercise): BMR x 1.2
• Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): BMR x 1.375
• Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): BMR x 1.55
• Very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): BMR x 1.725
• Extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): BMR x 1.9
Now subtract 500-1000 calories from your total number. REMEMBER, do not lower your calories below 1200 calories for women and 1500 for men.
Weight loss should never be complicated. If you know your BMR, and try not to be so restrictive with your eating habits and add in extra calories if you are wanting to exercise along with your caloric restriction; you will lose weight as simple as 1,2, 3

Saturday, November 15, 2014

3 Major Points To Building Muscle Mass

I know that we typically hear people complaining that they cannot lose weight. Personally, I am on the other end of the spectrum. My struggle has always been to put on weight. After a lot of trial and error, I finally found something that worked for me. It breaks down into 3 simple categories.
Step 1 To Building Muscle - Exercise
If you are not breaking down muscle, how do you expect it to get stronger. More important than just exercise, you need to know how to exercise in the right way for building muscle. The key is strength training with variety, and increasing intensity. It is not enough to just go lift weights. You need to keep your muscles guessing. If your chest workout is the same every week, your body is going to adapt to it. You will plateau quickly, and your muscle growth will me minimum, if existing at all. In order to make sure that you are increasing your difficulty, it is important to keep track of what you are lifting. If you don't know what you did last time, how are you supposed to have a goal for this time. I suggest hitting 1-2 body parts each day that you workout. You can put together muscles that work together, such as chest and triceps, or you can work opposing muscles, such as chest and back, or biceps and triceps. remember that you are supposed to be mixing things up, so you can do 1 for a few weeks, and then switch to a different combo for a few more weeks.
Step 2 - Nutrition
I have had plenty of people tell me that if I want to gain weight, I needed to be drinking milk shakes and eating peanut butter all of the time. That will not help you gain the weight that you want to be gaining. If you want your muscles to grow, you need to feed them the right way. That means that you need protein, carbs and fats. Also, water, lots of water. The key is to prevent your muscles from starving. You should be eating something every hour or two. Think small to medium snacks with 3 good meals. Eggs, whole wheat toast and a glass of milk make a great breakfast. Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread with an apple or a salad is a simple, healthy lunch. Chicken with whole wheat pasta and vegetables is one of my favorite dinners. Drink water and eat fruit, vegetables and other healthy snacks throughout the day.
Step 3 - Rest To Build Muscle
It takes a lot of energy to build muscle. If you are not getting enough sleep, you are taking away the time that your body needs for optimal growth. Be sure that you are getting at least 7 hours each night. This will give your body time to rest and recover. Without that rest time, your body will struggle to recover, and you may be wasting your time lifting.
If you are looking for a simple to follow program, the one that helped me put on 12 pounds of muscle in 90 days, check out THIS

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Losing Weight And Staying Fit For Life

It is crucial that you separate your weight loss into more sensible parts in the event that you have a great deal to lose. 100 pounds may appear mind boggling, yet 10 pounds are possible in two months. In this way, simply lose 10 pounds 10 times and after that you have arrived at your last objective.
An extraordinary diet tip is to begin eating nuts as a nibble, rather than potato chips or treats. Nuts are a phenomenal wellspring of solid fats and exploratory studies have demonstrated that eating a hand sized scoop of nuts can help your body recoup from the activity. Nuts will likewise abandon you feeling full more.
To end up more slender, you ought to consider working out. On the off chance that you begin eating healthier foods, you are going to lose weight yet practicing permits you to get more slender much quicker. Have a go at practicing for 60 minutes consistently and maybe for several hours consistently. You could strive for a walk or a run, on the off chance that you dislike weight lifting.
Verify you are drinking enough water regularly. The normal size individual ought to be drinking 10 glasses of water for every day. Staying decently hydrated is paramount to keep your body working like it should and will help you to devour the perfect measure of calories for your body.
A super weight loss tip is to dependably drink a full glass of water before every feast. Along these lines, you will obtain an inclination of totality preceding ingesting a solitary calorie, hence diminishing the measure of nourishment you are prone to eat. This is an incredible route for calorie numbering health food nuts to stay in their day by day limit.
Now and then individuals will eat when they are not ravenous, and this effectively packs on the pounds. One trap to prevent this from happening is to brush your teeth with a minty toothpaste. The mint flavor will make you not have any desire to eat any longer, and you will wind up getting thinner.
It's imperative to be patient with yourself when you are attempting to get more fit. Hurrying weight loss and taking part in accident count calories generally does not achieve perpetual results. Contemplate why you need to shed pounds, the amount you might want to lose, and make achievable objectives to work towards. In the event that you commit an error, don't surrender! Simply begin anew the following day.
To help your general health, take a stab at adding more fiber to your eating methodology. Fiber gives various health profits, including decreasing the danger of coronary illness, diabetes and tumor. That, as well as push weight loss. A percentage of the best wellsprings of fiber incorporate soil grown foods, vegetables, nuts, beans and entire grains.
At the point when getting fit as a fiddle, make sure to first put resources into a decent combine of shoes. At the point when working out, a couple of shoes that fit well and backing your lower legs can have all the effect. In the event that the shoes you are working out in don't fit appropriately, you likely won't get as tremendously fulfilled and may considerably endure health issues further down the road.
Sign up with an online group that concentrates on weight loss. Will you get important data, as well as you will be in a help supportive network that will keep you persuaded in your tray. This is likewise a decent help support network for individuals who are excessively hesitant to join a gathering in the individual.
Balance is the way to effective weight loss. By setting practical objectives, for example, a 1-2 pound misfortune week by week, eating an adjusted eating regimen of immaculate, entire nourishments, and drinking a lot of unadulterated water, you will lose weight reliably, change your dietary patterns, accomplish your target weight and keep up it easily.
A decent tip that may help you lose weight is to add flavor to your superiors. At the point when eating less, many individuals commit the error of eating their dinners completely tasteless, without any flavor whatsoever. You ought to have a go at adding flavors to your dinners to keep yourself inspired and intrigued.
Getting thinner doesn't need to be a mind boggling, distressing attempt. Utilize this article as your aide, put forth a concentrated effort to the methodology, keep an inspirational disposition, and you'll soon see those additional pounds dissolving without end.